Lights, Camera, Tax Credit: Massachusetts Lures Filmmakers With Generous Rebate
Since last July, when Gov. Deval L. Patrick signed into law a 25 percent film tax credit, a wave of major film projects has landed in Massachusetts.
Great race heats up for Mass. movie Hub
A local developer who owns land on South Boston’s waterfront is drawing up plans for a movie production complex, state Rep. Brian Wallace (D-South Boston) said yesterday.
Bruce Willis to film action scene in Hopedale
Scenes for Willis’ new movie, “The Surrogates,” a sci-fi thriller, will be filmed at the Draper mill complex later this month.
Editorial: Lights, camera, economic action
The film tax credit has proven its worth.
Keeping the cameras rolling in Mass.
“Making movies is a recession-proof, clean growth industry. The benefits of bringing more movie business to Massachusetts could touch virtually everyone.” —Joe Maiella, President – Massachusetts Production Coalition
Patte Papa, Boston’s Movie Permit Czar
For years, while Boston had no formal film liaison, Patte Papa stockpiled knowledge as she oversaw events from the Boston Marathon to the gay pride parade. Now her experience is enabling the city to juggle multiple films at once.
Lucent building brings starpower to North Andover
The former Lucent plant on Route 125 has landed on a short list of prime filming spots across the state.
Lynn stands in for Hollywood
Lynn became the area’s latest Hollywood backlot yesterday as the cast and crew of “The Surrogates” shot scenes inside the former Security National Bank.
In a report issued earlier this week, the Massachusetts Department of Revenue (DOR) predicted that the newly enacted film tax credits could bring in over $700 million of new investment and more than 5,000 new jobs.
Local film rivals team up
A pair of longtime Boston-area video and film equipment companies are teaming up to cash in on the surge of Hollywood movies filming in the Bay State.
YouTube: Economic Impact of Film Tax Credit – May 08
PART ONE MFO Executive Director Nick Paleologos describes the economic impact of film tax credits to the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce at Ocean Edge Resort in Brewster Massachusetts on …
Hollywood “Women” make Dover second home
Local restaurants have been busy servicing the cast and crew, and Laverne Lovell’s flower shop has been busy filling orders, including a recent arrangement for Sir Ben Kingsley.
Voters OK movie studio
Voters yesterday gave an enthusiastic green light to a proposal to build a movie studio on 300 acres of town-owned land a few miles from the Bourne Bridge.
Extra! Extra!
The recent boom in feature films being made around Boston has led to all kinds of action for people who want to act out their dreams.
Plymouth sets the stage for movie studio vote
Voters here have seen the message on 1,500 lawn signs, seen it on TV ads, read it in e-mails and pamphlets, and heard it in phone and personal pleas: Say “Yes to the ROCK.” That’s the rallying cry for a citizens’ committee that has blitzed the town with their message about Question 3, a nonbinding referendum on Saturday’s ballot in Plymouth.
Hollywood heads to Worcester
The city has reeled in a big one — and there may be a few more on the line. Production crews for a new Bruce Willis movie, “The Surrogates,” are set to start work in Worcester Monday and will stay through August.
Hollywood East
To those who wonder whether there’s room in Massachusetts for two major movie studios, the answer from the studios is an emphatic yes.
Editorial: Too soon for new film break
It’s too soon to know whether private investors will build production and post-production facilities without a costly new tax incentive.
21 is the number on movie in America!
MFO Variety ad congratulating 21 on being the number one movie in America.
Stars, dollar signs shine in Lowell
Crews from This Side of the Truth, the romantic comedy that begins filming in Lowell tomorrow, have made their mark on the local economy.